Xcel Energy and Blogs

May 11, 2023: Fort St. Vrain Eaglet dies after hail storm

May 11, 2023: FSV47 and FSV48

From the Fort St. Vrain Eagle page. FSV48 died following a severe hailstorm. Ma tried to keep them covered, but they were both pretty large and she couldn’t keep them beneath her. Yesterday we lost our FSV48 at 26 days old. I will remember 48 as one of the spunkiest younger siblings I’ve ever seen. 48 always pushed to the front of the food line and when bonked would give it back. I will remember 47 putting their wing over

Eagles, eagles, eagles: Nestflix from Decorah, Decorah North, and Fort St. Vrain

January 24, 2020: DM2's awesome wingspan

Love is in the air at Fort St. Vrain, Mr. North and DNF shovel snow, DM2 makes a brief visit to the nest, and Mom and DM2 perch on the maple. It was great to see them: happy Fri-yay, everyone! Decorah Eagles 1/24/20: Mom and DM2 perch on the maple – https://youtu.be/EiNhAeEVKnw. We know it’s winter. We know that eagles aren’t always active in the cold. We know that Mom can open her tender right eye and see well enough

Nest round-up: Kestrels and falcons, oh my!

April 24, 2019: Two nestling falcons at Great Spirit Bluff

Our banding season starts Monday, but we have hatch going on at several of our nests. Here’s a rundown on who’s hatched, who has yet to hatch, and other nest events! Falcons spend a lot less time in the nest than eagles, so be sure to check them out now! American Kestrels Four kestrels hatched on May 22 and one hatched on May 23. Watch the kestrels while you can – they fledge between 28 and 31 days of age!

What’s on the Menu at Fort St. Vrain?

So what’s on the menu at Fort St. Vrain? While we were up in the nest, I decided to collect prey remains. We don’t have the necessary permits to take feathers (of which I found only two, both belonging to prey), but there were plenty of skulls and a few turtle shells. I got them home, laid them out on a table, and started ID’ing them. Some Moms bring home t-shirts and postcards. I bring home skulls and photos of

Six Eggs at Xcel Energy’s Sherco Plant?

Six falcon eggs at Xcel's Sherco Plant

A falcon on six eggs? That is what we appear to have at Xcel Energy’s Sherco plant in Becker, Minnesota! The first four eggs laid here were fully pigmented, but the last two are lighter in color and easily identifiable. A few possibilities: The falcon is incubating four eggs laid this spring and two eggs laid last spring. Last year’s resident falcon laid four eggs, but none of them hatched. Two of them appeared to have survived the winter and