2019 Memory Lane Countdown, #9: DM2 sees his first egg

2019 Memory Lane #10: DM2 sees his egg for the first time

2019 Memory Lane #10: DM2 sees his egg for the first time

2019 was a year of change at both Decorah eagle nests. While Mr. North and DNF had no problem getting their groove on, DM2 seemed a little reluctant to bond with Mom! Our eagle panel found both this fascinating and funny as they reassured us that things would be fine. We believed them, but we still crossed our talons and let out a sigh of relief when Mom laid an egg on February 22nd. Hilarity and concern melted into wonder as DM2 flew down to see what we believe was his very first egg. He looked at it and then carefully stepped over it to brood it, stopping to fine-tune the nest as he went. It was February 22, 2019, and a new chapter had begun.

You can watch the video here: https://youtu.be/1M9uoce4vbo