We’ve got a quick update from all around our nests! We’ve seen DNF and a juvenile – DN17 or DN18, perhaps? – around the Valley of the Norths, although neither DNF nor Mr. North have visited the nest we built for them yet. We’re not too worried about it, since the Norths don’t typically begin nestorations until October. But we do wish the mice hadn’t taken our housewarming gifts…those trout weren’t for you, mice! Given the amount of free food the eagles provided, the mice probably miss them more than we do.
We’ve seen HD and HM in and around N1 (the nest near the Decorah Fish Hatchery). We’ll see what they end up doing this fall, but it is heartening to see them spending time there, especially since the nest they built in 2023 failed. HD and HM, there is an excellent, tried-and-true home just waiting for you!
Newman has been busy courting and hanging out with falcon U/09, the juvenile falcon who won his rose this year! It isn’t uncommon to see a return to falcon courtship behavior as the days begin to dwindle. Today, GSB’s day will last for 13.2 hours, matching that of April 15, when falcons were copulating and (at most of our sites) laying eggs. This happens in other organisms as well: think dandelions blooming in August and September, or the ways in which fall migration mimics spring migration as the great pivot of the year turns once more.
I know that a lot of you are missing the Mississippi Flyway. A storm stomped our equipment in late July/early August, but we are starting the fixing/replacement process this week and we’ll have more information – or maybe, be back up and running! – this Friday.
Thanks so much for watching, sharing, learning, and especially for caring. We’ll keep you all posted!