I love the seeming eagle side-eye from Mr. North. Every great nest begins with a single stick and not just any twig will do: as watchers know, Mr. North and DNF are real stick-lers for quality, even when they’re hauling in sticks by the bundle. If the Norths had word art hanging in their nest, it might say “A place for every stick and every stick in its place!”
Does the North Nest late fall nestoration rush predict a hard winter? No. Birds are good short-term forecasters but can’t forecast long-term weather trends. Still, Mr. North and DNF know that winter is coming – even if they don’t know how harsh it will be – and are gathering nesting materials while the sun shines! Bald Eagles reduce activity during frigid weather and soft materials are a little harder to find when the local Nest Depot is buried beneath the snow. It’s good to see both of them nestorating!