Eagle Valley Flyway

The Eagle Valley camera was damaged by flooding on the Mississippi River. We’ll get it back online as soon as we can.

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General Information
Eagle Valley (EV) is a 1450-acre preserve located in southwest Wisconsin that is privately owned and managed by Kohler Co. and Kohler Trust for Preservation. Its wooded bluffs and prairies border 2.75 miles of Mississippi River, home to several nesting pairs of Bald Eagles; 93 other bird species have been documented as confirmed or probable breeders on the property. The rich and diverse habitats are also home to dozens of mammals from White-tailed Deer to Masked Shrews, various amphibians and reptiles, including Timber Rattlesnakes and Snapping Turtles, and many other species. In addition to providing an important stopover for birds migrating along the Mississippi, EV provides a winter home for hundreds of Bald Eagles, many of them from Canada. Deep, fast-flowing stretches of the river remain open even during the coldest winter weather, providing the eagles and many other animals with a rich source of food and water during that cold, lean season.

The EV staff has been actively researching raptor ecology since 1989. Projects include raptor migration counts, studies of Bald Eagle winter night-roost dynamics, and eagle satellite tracking. Through these efforts, a great deal has been learned and shared about the eagles that migrate through and overwinter here and the ecosystem that supports them.

The EV camera is a joint venture between Kohler Trust for Preservation, the Raptor Resource Project (RRP), Kohler Co., and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Faith Technologies was instrumental in much of the initial system installation in 2013-2014. The entire system was upgraded in 2020-2021 by RRP and EV staff and now pans the pool for eagles, waterfowl, herons, and various shorebirds, as well as mammals and turtles and any other wildlife we can find! We hope you enjoy it!


The Mississippi River stays open along this stretch, making it a popular wintering spot for many northern eagles. It is also a wonderful place to see migratory birds in the spring and fall.