Bird of Prey Monitoring and Management
The Raptor Resource Project monitors over 50 bird of prey nest sites in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Colorado. Our season runs from March through July and includes monitoring nest sites, banding birds, responding to emergencies, and reporting on bird populations. We also provide consultation, training, and resources for businesses that want to begin or enhance a bird of prey program. Our industry partners include Xcel Energy, Dairyland Power, Minnesota Power and Light, Great River Energy, Alliant Energy, Red Wing Grain, Ardent Milling, Bay State Milling, and Bunge America.

Banding falcons

Installing nestboxes

Managing birds
Birds of prey captivate watchers, provide wonderful organic pigeon control, and can be an important part of grassland and woodland restoration projects. For more information about our bird of prey management program, please contact Amy Ries at [email protected].
Bird Cams
The Raptor Resource Project manages 14 birdcams at present. While we are best known for our Decorah Eaglecam, we also have more eagle cams, multiple peregrine falcon cams, and a kestrel cam. We work with our partners to identify potential cam sites and deploy appropriate streaming technology. By giving ordinary people intimate access to the lives of wild animals, our work deepens the connection between people and the natural world, bringing benefits to both.
- For a complete list of birdcams, please visit our birdcams page.
Online Learning
We annually engage several million people through our streaming and social media sites, including, Facebook, Twitter, and our own website. Our moderators provide information to classrooms at no cost and our students range in age from preschool through seniors enrolled in life-long learning programs. Through the Decorah Eagle Cam and its other websites, the Raptor Resource Project provides the largest free wildlife education program in the world.
Are you an educator, a homeschooler, or a tutor? We invite you to sign up for a classroom account here: Account holders must be at least 18 years of age to have an account, and the room is COPA-compliant. We look forward to chatting with you!