Tag Archives: NestFlix

February 10, 2025: NestFlix and News from Decorah North and Fort St. Vrain!

February 10, 2025: Fly like an eagle! Mr. North shows off his long wings and unparalleled aviation skills

Put up your feet and take a deep breath…it’s time for NestFlix! Today’s Diction-aerie word is ‘eggnant’: a female eagle’s condition immediately prior to laying eggs. Our bald eagle Moms are shifting fat to their brood patches and retaining water as their egg follicles swell and mature. We’re planning to begin egg watch on Friday, but we’ll also be watching for DNF, Mrs. T, and Ma FSV to begin loafing around the nest and ‘practice’ laying as eggs draw nearer!

February 3, 2025: Nestflix and News from Trempealeau, Fort St. Vrain, and Decorah!

February 2, 2025: Mr. T and his messy beak!

Put up your feet and relax – it’s time for NestFlix! Today, we have videos from Trempealeau and Fort St. Vrain, and an Odds and Ends about getting involved with nature in your community! Tick-tock, egg-clock: if DNF sticks to her usual schedule, we’ll see our first egg in just 13 days or so. I hope you are as eggcited as we are! Time flies when you’re watching eagles and falcons… Trempealeau Eagles February 3, 2025: Love is in the

January 22, 2025: Welcome back, DNF and Mr. North and Mr. and Mrs. T!

January 22, 2025: Mr. North prepares the North nest for eggs. IN: Rustic cornhusk bedding. OUT: Squirrel-fur lined silk sheets!

It’s (practically) a tropical heatwave! While eagles are well-suited to snow and cold, they tend to respond to sub-zero temps by reducing their activity, which is exactly what we saw through this week’s polar plunge! After bringing sticks in on Saturday, the Norths ceased nestorations until about 11:00AM this morning, when DNF flew into the North nest with a talonful of grass. Mr. North quickly joined her and the two spread nesting material, dug and scraped, checked out the nest

January 14, 2025: NestFlix and News from Decorah North and Fort St. Vrain

January 11, 2025: A stunning overhead fly-in by Mr. North, who expertly drops into the nest.

Kick up your feet, grab a favorite snack – maybe some leftover Christmas cookies? – and get ready for NestFlix! We have videos from Decorah North and Fort St. Vrain! Stay warm, everybirdie…egglets will be here before we know it! Decorah North Eagles January 13, 2025: The Norths visit the nest, looking really cozy – https://youtu.be/rOBeNDp1wBM?si=FISXol2PtxPiJHZI. The North Nest is looking good! I liked this whole video, but I especially enjoyed the overhead view beginning at about 1:11, Mr. North’s

January 6, 2025: Building and Beaking!

January 6, 2025: Building and Beaking at the North nest! https://youtu.be/5ZM5Pyfbvio?si=w9JWDXYzdExnakkL. It’s a great time to watch DNF and Mr. North flirt – albeit in a very eagle way! – as things ramp up. Look for beaking, body brushing, gentle nibbling, footing, and side-by-side perching. More on eagle courtship and bonding here: https://www.raptorresource.org/.../bald-eagle-mating

What are we looking forward to this week? Mr. North and DNF are busy testing and improving their new digs as they pile on husks, stalks, and grass. Shag carpets are back, baby! We recorded our first copulation of the season on December 7th, although we don’t really expect things to ramp up until the last week of January. But it’s a great time to watch DNF and Mr. North flirt – albeit in a very eagle way! – as

January 2, 2025: Alive and Sticking!

January 2, 2025: DNF looking lovely in the New Year!

DNF and Mr. North rang in the New Year with plenty of nestorations and visits from a screech owl and – we think! – another eagle. We saw stick discussions, carpet laying, and plenty of courtship activity. The North nest is still alive – and sticking! – in 2025! What are we looking forward to this week? Nestorations will continue, perhaps with an increased focus on the nestbowl and soft materials. It’s also likely we’ll see or hear more copulation

December 19, 2024: A NestFlix and a Celebration!

December 19, 2024: The quickest way to an eagle's heart is through its stomach!

Happy Thursday! Mr. North and DNF have been busy with nest prep and we’ve been busy watching them. From cozy nest inspections to bonding moments and a few feathered visitors, the Norths are keeping us enthralled. Put your feet up, grab a snack, and chill with the Norths! Prosit, eagle friends: we’ve got a reason to celebrate at the end of today’s NestFlix! Decorah North December 18, 2024: Mr. North brings his fish snack to the nest – https://youtu.be/bCWWC7ONMDI?si=2MITZTzAe1d8mSjC. DNF

December 11, 2024: It’s an Eagle-Palooza!

December 11, 2024: A large gathering of eagles in Decorah

Welcome to the Eagle-Palooza! But where did all those eagles come from? Our camera operators reported three eagles this morning: HM, HD, and an unknown adult. All three were seen perched together in a tree to the north of the hatchery – a little unusual, but nothing we haven’t seen before…at least until about 1:50PM this afternoon, when 35 or so of their best friends showed up! David Kester went down to the hatchery to check things out. He reported

December 12, 2024: Nest Sweet Nest!

December 12, 2024: DNF struggles with a stick.

Did Nest Depot run a three-for-one sale? Our camera operators recorded DNF and Mr. North flying in an incredible 27 sticks today, including wonky sticks, long sticks, and a log flown in by lumberjill DNF at 8:18AM While the pair focused primarily on their stick PhD – piling sticks high and deep! – they also carried in large piles of soft, fluffy grass. The two took a break this afternoon, but briefly resumed work just before dark. Mr. North brought

‘You Want That Stick WHERE’?

December 6, 2024: What could be sexier than nest-building? https://www.raptorresource.org/2024/11/08/birds-and-nest-building/

I love the seeming eagle side-eye from Mr. North. Every great nest begins with a single stick and not just any twig will do: as watchers know, Mr. North and DNF are real stick-lers for quality, even when they’re hauling in sticks by the bundle. If the Norths had word art hanging in their nest, it might say “A place for every stick and every stick in its place!” Does the North Nest late fall nestoration rush predict a hard

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