Monthly Archives: July 2020

D27 phones home!

July 1, 2020: D27's latest map

D27 sent another postcard! She moved from Severn Lake over to Lake Petownikip, part of a chain of large lakes stretching through Ontario’s north country. It is a perfect summering spot for bald eagles, who enjoy cool weather and plenty of fish. Have a great summer, D27 – I know I’ll be thinking of your beautiful boreal forest in our hot and sticky weather! A lot of people have asked whether D27 has found that special someone yet! She has

Your Transmitter Questions, answered

D34 and D36

You asked: Why are we doing this? Will it hurt the eagles? Will they still be able to reproduce? How much does the transmitter weigh? Read on for our answers. Why are you doing this? Our eagles are part of a larger longitudinal study to investigate and learn about the lives of bald eagles. Our eagles are extra special because we know their place of origin. Most eagles that Brett traps are wintering along the Mississippi river. We think they

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