Monthly Archives: January 2020

Nestflix: Decorah, Decorah North, and the Mississippi Flyway

January 6, 2020: Mom and DM2 disagree on stick placement

I loved all of tonight’s videos, but I was particularly intrigued by the fourth video down. We’ve speculated about our eagles ‘farming’ sticks, or preparing them for removal and transport to the nest. What would that look like? They might weaken sticks by twisting and pulling them or strip bark from sticks to girdle them. Look at the ninth minute of the video, where DM2 appears to be preparing sticks, and check the 11th minute, where he appears to be

Where is D27?

January 5, 2020: D27's map

D27 rang in the New Year about four miles from her natal nest! A mild winter tends to result in more abundant food during the lean season: rivers are open for fishing, animals tend to forage in the (relatively) warm weather, and the folded hills and valleys in and around Decorah provide seemingly endless choices for perching and roosting. Happy 2020, D27 – and don’t forget to write! I’ve included a few images of maps from the eagles we’ve tracked

Friday night mega-roll: Videos from Decorah, Decorah North, and the Flyway

January 2, 2019: A hawk visits the North Nest

Happy Fri-yay, everyone! We have your Friday night nestflix mega-roll from Decorah, Decorah North, and the Flyway. The days are getting longer, the eagles are getting friskier, and nursery preparations are well underway at both Decorah nests! Fishing is good on the Flyway, where relatively warm weather has stretches of water open for chubby muskrats and hungry eagles. I enjoyed all of these videos, but really loved Mom with a huge branch, DM2’s large breakfast, and the wildlife video from

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