American Kestrels and Blogs

June 18, 2024: NestFlix and News from Decorah North and the Wisconsin Kestrels!

June 17, 2024: It isn't easy to hold, filet, and eat a fish on a limb. The professors at Eagle Outdoor School can be pretty tough!

We’re getting a lot of questions about fledglings DN17 and DN18. While the North nest’s fall was pretty dramatic, it’s not that uncommon for nests to fall. I can think of two others this spring off the top of my head: the Denton Homes nest in Des Moines, Iowa, and an offline nest in Brownsville, MN. In the first case, the eaglets were taken from the area for an assessment by Iowa Bird Rehabilitation before being returned to the area

May 28, 2024: NestFlix and News!

May 27, 2024: Kids being kids! DN17 top, DN18 bottom

We have your NestFlix and news! The dynamic North nest duo turned 65 and 64 days old today. As we mentioned in an earlier post, fledge could happen in as little as five days, but is most likely to happen until ten or fifteen days from now. A few people brought up blackflies. Female blackflies, like female mosquitos, take a blood meal to obtain the protein they need to lay eggs. They are a normal part of nest life and

The Wisconsin Kestrels and the New Nestbox!

April 18, 2024: She went into egg labor late morning...

The Wisconsin kestrels are back and have laid five eggs! We anticipate hatch on or around May 20 this year. A lot of you were curious about the new nest box. Why does it look like the inside of a log? From Neil Rettig Productions: “Last year was one of the only years we didn’t have kestrels nesting at our barn. A pair was interested in the box, but the female seemed very nervous about the set-up. To our surprise,

The American Kestrels are Back!

April 18, 2024: She went into egg labor late morning...

Fans of micro raptors, rejoice! The kestrel cam is back online and the female has laid three eggs so far. Watch at our website: or at Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Quick tip for screen shotters! Right-click twice on any youtube video feed on any website or at youtube to take a frame capture. Most awesomely, you can stop the video and right click without getting the video controls in your picture. No more screen captures unless you want

October 28, 2022: News, links, and a raptor movie marathon!

October 27, 2022: Wing hug! HD front, HM back.

Happy Fri-yay, everyone! We’ve got a regular raptor movie marathon with videos from Decorah, Decorah North, the Flyway, and the Wisconsin kestrels, a short clip that shows the nest building work we did on N1 last year, and two blogs that discuss fall activity and bald eagle egg-laying. We hope you like them as much as we did! Thank you so much to our wonderful camera operators and video makers for sharing the beauty of the world around us, and

April 25, 2022: Five eggs for the Wisconsin Kestrels!

April 25, 2022: The male brings a dragonfly treat to his mate

This video shows four eggs and a dragonfly delivery at our Wisconsin kestrel site. But when I went to check on the kestrels before posting, I saw that she had just laid her fifth egg! Kestrels typically lay four to five eggs and full incubation begins with the laying of the penultimate or next-to-last egg. Since she appears to have begun full incubation with egg #4, she probably won’t lay another one. We’ll be looking for hatch to start on

Four American Kestrels hatch today in Wisconsin!

May 12, 2021: Four Kestrels hatch in one day!

Sorry to post so late: we were out looking for peregrine falcons today. I got back into the office to find out that four American kestrels hatched at the Wisconsin nestbox this afternoon! You can watch them live here: or here: Let the games begin – and we’ll see if the last egg hatches tomorrow!

News and NestFlix from Decorah North, Great Spirit Bluff, and the WI Kestrels!

April 26, 2021: Nestflix from GSB, Decorah North, and the WI Kestrels

We have your news and Nestflix! DN13 and DN14 are growing by leaps and bounds and gaining new skills as they expand their explorations by walking around the nest, attempting to self-feed, and taking defurring lessons from DNF. I loved all these videos (April 22 was a very big day in the nest!), but don’t miss DN13 walking (albeit a little unsteadily), DNF talking in her sleep (this is beyond cool), and DN14 preening Dad Mr. North. At GSB, Newman

April 19, 2020: Nest round-up and Nestflix!

April 18, 2020: Sweet Eagle Dreams in Decorah

We have your Monday morning mega-roll Nestflix! First, a nest round-up: the Decorah eaglets turn 14, 14, and 11 days old today, DN12 turns 20, the American Kestrels have four eggs, Nova and Newman have three eggs, and you should check out Explore’s Mississippi Flyway gallery if you need to catch up on the birds we have been seeing there (or just need some birds)! I loved all of these videos, but I especially enjoyed the interaction between Mom and

April 13, 2020: Nest round-up and Nestflix

April 13, 2020: Decorah Nest. Eaglets are, from top: D35, D36, and D34

As promised earlier today, we have your nest roundup and Nestflix megaroll from Decorah, Decorah North, Great Spirit Bluff, and the Wisconsin Kestrels! The kestrels are back online and graced us with their first egg on Easter Sunday. I’ll take the Easter American Kestrel over the Easter Bunny any day of the year! A huge thanks to everyone for all the love you showed during our hatch celebration last Saturday! It was wonderful to gather with you and we deeply

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