Monthly Archives: December 2019

2019 Memory Lane Countdown, #9: DM2 sees his first egg

2019 Memory Lane #10: DM2 sees his egg for the first time

2019 was a year of change at both Decorah eagle nests. While Mr. North and DNF had no problem getting their groove on, DM2 seemed a little reluctant to bond with Mom! Our eagle panel found both this fascinating and funny as they reassured us that things would be fine. We believed them, but we still crossed our talons and let out a sigh of relief when Mom laid an egg on February 22nd. Hilarity and concern melted into wonder

2019 Memory Lane Countdown, #10: Who’s Mom’s beau? It’s DM2!

October 17, 2019: DM2

We asked all of our volunteers about their favorite moments this season. What made them happy or sad? What were moments they treasured? Pelmomma, Oregonian, Tulsa, Jf, Shelliott, and Bus fondly recalled DM2’s return. Remember wondering where he took his eagle-cation? Chewing your nails over whether he’d come back? Crossing your talons that everything would work out? We started streaming on October 14: just in time to get a nice look at Mom and another eagle roosting on the Skywalk:

Whhooo’s at the North Nest?

December 18, 2019: A GHO at the North Nest

Video: Whhooo’s that on the North nest? A great horned owl! A GHO thrilled and worried watchers tonight when it came into the North nest with a rabbit. Is the North nest at risk? Could owls take it over? We don’t see or hear GHO most of the year, but paired great horned owls often remain on their territories year-round. Like bald eagles at this latitude, they usually lay eggs in mid-February and, like bald eagles, they are becoming reproductively

Nestflix from the Flyway, Decorah, and Decorah North

December 17, 2019: DM2 on the Skywalk

What was that on the Flyway yesterday? It was a beaver! We’ve got a video and more information than you might be looking for – beavers are a lot stranger than I thought. We also have videos from Decorah (be advised: getting up close and personal with lunch is not for the faint of heart or stomach) and a five-way eagle food-fight from Decorah North. We hope you enjoy these videos as much as we did – thanks to our

Videos and #SundaySweets

DM2 at Decorah North

We have your #SundaySweets, including videos from the Decorah, Decorah North, and Xcel Fort St. Vrain eagles, a link to more information on molt (the feathers are flying!), and musings on symmetry. We hope you enjoy these videos as much as we did. Thanks so much to our camera operators and videomakers for finding and sharing such special moments, and to you for watching, sharing, learning, and caring! <3 Decorah Eagles 12/14/19: Older SA replaces younger SA on the maple

Videos: What do you call a Bald Eagle Food Fight?

December 12, 2019: DM2 in Decorah

We have videos from Decorah, Decorah North, and the Mississippi Flyway! Before you start: following a Bald Eagle food fight on the Mississippi River, we asked what you would call a group of quarrelsome Bald Eagles. Convocation is the correct term, but it seemed too formal to apply to a full-on eagle food fight! Here are your suggestions, in posted order: Rabblers, Congress, Recess, Carnival, Squee, Woohoo, Rave, Quarrel, Squabble, Gawk, Commotion, Confusion, Frat Party, Scrum, and Rabble Rousers! Thank

Where is D27?

December 8, 2019: Looking for D27

Even with technology, eaglet D27 can still be awfully hard to find! David and Ann Lynch and Glenn and Darlene Miller went looking for her in Decorah on Sunday, December 8. They had the Yagi antenna and the latest coordinates from Brett Mandernack. The antenna ping (listen to this video to hear it: told them she was nearby, but  they couldn’t see her. They did see a lot of eagles perching, following the river, and flying off in the

Eagle pool party, thieving squirrels, and Sandhill cranes!

December 9, 2019: A subadult at the North Nest

A kettle is a collective term for a group of migrating raptors, but what should we call a group of eagles on the ground? The terms ‘Collective’ and ‘Council’ don’t really fit the rowdy pool party antics of the eagles we saw at the North nest today. A squabble? A quarrel? A crush? Whatever you call it, they were fascinating to watch. Feel free to give your naming suggestions below! We also watched a brave squirrel thief filching nest materials

Sunday Videos: Decorah, Mississippi Flyway, and Decorah North

December 8, 2019: DNF at Decorah North

We have your Decorah Eagles, Flyway, and Decorah North Eagles videos! A Sunday short and sweet: thanks for finding, creating, watching, learning, and caring. You all rock! ? Decorah Eagles 12/08/19: Mom & DM2 Close Ups and nest work – The first three minutes and fifteen seconds of this vdeio are featured below. At about 3 minutes, DM2 flies into N2B with some cornstalks. There must have been a two for one sale at Nest Depot – the bowl

Friday videos!

December 5, 2019: Mr North

Happy Fri-yay! This morning’s #FridayFun includes some incredible footage of a flyway eagle food fight, a beautiful convocation of eagles, adult eagles taking themselves to the adult table, some fascinating behavior by Mr. North, mating at the North Nest, and starlings and geese. I was not able to pick favorites today – I recommend watching them all! Having said that, I was especially struck by Mr. North’s interesting behavior and the ‘Eagles of many ages’. Eagles are so amazing –

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