Even with technology, eaglet D27 can still be awfully hard to find! David and Ann Lynch and Glenn and Darlene Miller went looking for her in Decorah on Sunday, December 8. They had the Yagi antenna and the latest coordinates from Brett Mandernack. The antenna ping (listen to this video to hear it: https://youtu.be/2urK59rmolA) told them she was nearby, but they couldn’t see her. They did see a lot of eagles perching, following the river, and flying off in the distance, but they didn’t know if she was one of them. While we would love to see D27, it’s good to know that she’s doing well and has plenty of company! Stay safe, fly high, and don’t forget to write!

December 8, 2019: Looking for D27
Thanks to the entire group for looking and to Darlene Miller for sharing an excellent photo of a juvenile eagle very near to where the group received the strongest signal from D27! To explore the travels of all of the eagles we’ve tracked, visit our interactive maps at https://www.raptorresource.org/learning-tools/eagle-map/

December 8, 2019: Juvenile eagle near Decorah, Iowa
Note: You might spot an eagle with a transmitter down on the Mississippi this year! We had several reports back in 2017 and ended up writing a blog about Ace. You can read it and follow some links to learn a little more at our old blogspot: https://raptorresource.blogspot.com/2017/02/who-is-that-eagle-with-transmitter.html. Brett Mandernack wrote a paper about his transmitter research on the Decorah Eagles. That can be read here: https://www.raptorresource.org/2019/04/08/satellite-tracking-decorah-iowa-fledgling-bald-eagles-2011-2018/.
Note two: D27 hatched in 2017, making her a little over two-years old.