Tag Archives: annual report

Announcing…RRP’s 2024 Banding Report!

John and Janet banding at Guider's Bluff in Lansing, Iowa

Curious about what else we do besides watch birds online? This report documents all of our activities: banding peregrine falcons and migratory birds of prey, tracking eagles to learn more about their needs and habitat use, and running a raptor education program that engages learners from kindergarten through college. Conservation, education, and research: we are the Raptor Resource Project! Link: https://www.raptorresource.org/…/pdf/2024BandingReport.pdf

2022 RRP Annual Report

Peregrine Falcon at Bay State Milling in Winona, MN 2022

Curious about what we do beyond our Bald Eagle nests? Read about falcon monitoring and banding, our autumn banding stations, and our camera projects in our annual report: https://www.raptorresource.org/raptorresource/pdf/2022RRPBandingReport.pdf. As John says: “Our future leaders in raptor conservation surround us. Each class of students we introduce to life in an eagle nest or the beauty of a buteo moves us along in our goal of engaging and developing our future conservationists. Whether it is watching the eagles or holding and