We have your nestflix and a nest round-up! Although first hatch could come a little sooner or a little later than our guesstimate, here’s what it looks like right now.
- The Decorah eagles have three eggs. We’re predicting first hatch on April 4.
- The Decorah North eagles have two eggs. We’re predicting first hatch on March 28.
- The Xcel Fort St. Vrain eagles have three eggs. We’re predicting hatch for March 24.
- Falcons are back at most of of our nests. Egg-laying will probably begin in late March and continue through late April, with most eggs being laid in early April.
On to the videos! I loved them all, but don’t miss Mom refusing to give up the one dry spot for miles, a nice look at talons and eggs, Mr. North’s magnificent plushy cushie tushie tail, or the Flyway Eagle Council in session. We hope all of you stay safe and healthy. Thanks for watching, caring, learning, and sharing. You rock!
Decorah Eagles

March 13, 2020: Mom at N2B
March 13, 2020: Talons and Eggs – https://youtu.be/Hn5thu653FA. DM2 comes to the nest with a small branch and gives Mom a break. We get a great view of the eggs and DM2’s talons as he steps over the eggs to begin incubation. See how loosely he is holding his feet? That helps keep his talons from puncturing or damaging the eggs.
March 12, 2020: DM2 arrives, Mom won’t give up the nest – https://youtu.be/6ZtHTYlqbxA. It’s a wet, chilly day and Mom has zero interest in leaving the one dry spot for miles! DM2 flies in at 2:36 – watch Mom watch him come in – and tries to get Mom to shift. She refuses to budge and he flies away.
March 11, 2020: DM2 closeups, messy beak=good breakfast –https://youtu.be/1JQYSeh6nv0. I had to laugh at Tulsa’s title, but it is absolutely true! These close-ups are excellent, although you might find yourself wanting to reach through the screen to give DM2’s face a wipe! Check 3:57 for a really magnificent look at his face.
Decorah North

March 11, 2020: Mr. North’s plushie cushie tushie tail!
March 11, 2020: Dad is near the nest and tail feathers – https://youtu.be/KK-w4g7hI2g. Wow! The view of Mr. North near the nest, silhouetted against a partially cloudy sky, is stunning. But do not miss the extremely close view of his tailfeathers at 6:12! We see the feathers themselves, folded up like a fan. We can also see the softer adult down that cushions and protects his tail feathers. Although some of them are obscured, I think I can count all twelve!
Mississippi Flyway

March 13, 2020: The Flyway Eagle Council in session
March 10, 2020: Flyway eagles – https://youtu.be/v6qaufPEwxo. The ice is breaking up, the Flyway is getting busy, and the Eagle Council is back in session. Do not miss the sunbathing eagle, which starts in the first minute. It is absolutely magnificent! We also get a food fight starting at about 7:39 and a nice view of ducks in the sixth minute. I believe we are seeing mostly Goldeneyes here, although we’ve also seen mergansers, teal, and mallards.