Photos and story by Robin Brumm
Decorah was calling … or would that be squeeeing? No matter, the pull was felt, and I decided I needed to go to Decorah again to see the Juvies, and headed out Wednesday morning at dark O’clock. When I got to Decorah, D35 was on the mulch pile at the hatchery. She flew off and landed on the roof of the hatchery kiosk and then flew to a shed roof and a garage roof across the street. Whew! She sure likes to try out all the different perch spots in the area!

July 1, 2020: Decorah eagle D34
D34 and D36 were being a little elusive. D34 did do a flyby but s/he didn’t stop to wave, lol. Later in the morning, D34 flew to a tree near the bike trail, perched for a bit, and posed for a few photos. D36 was perched in a tree behind N1 for a while. It was hard to find him, but I could hear him, and finally found him expertly camouflaged between the leaves and trees. He flew to a pole and perched there for a bit before flying off.

July 1, 2020: The elusive D36!
Mom flew in a couple of times during the day to perch on the new maple tree (M2) It was nice to see her and she even did her own wave by doing a beautiful sun pose (heraldic pose) for those of us watching. I didn’t see DM2 while I was there, but others reported that he had been there earlier in the morning before I arrived in Decorah.
D35 spent a little time in a tree in the neighbor’s backyard. It’s funny that you can always hear the juvies before you see them … it’s like they are saying, peek-a-boo, I see you! D35 was squeeing away and then flew off toward the hatchery again. She liked to play on the mulch pile. She would grab a small stick or piece of mulch in her talons and flap her wings and lift it up, then would drop it and try again. She finally flew off to a pole and then flew upstream.

July 1, 2020: D35 on top of Command Central
I walked over to the bridge and saw Mom and 2 of the kids perched in a dead tree along the stream to the west of N1. One of the kids was on a lower branch of that tree and I could only occasionally see wingtips when it flapped. The other was on a higher branch and was able to be seen, although I couldn’t hear him/her because it was so far away. I could see his/her beak moving so I’m pretty sure s/he was asking Mom nicely to catch a fish for him/her. Lol Mom eventually flew off and landed in the pine trees to the back of the hatchery. The kids didn’t follow, so I assume they stayed on the dead tree.
Mom finally flew off after a nice long stay. It was a hot day and there wasn’t a lot of action, so I decided it was time to head home. Even though it is always hard to pull myself away from Decorah, it sure makes it easier knowing I can go back whenever I want. Now I just hope the weather cooperates! At least I didn’t get bug bites this time! Does anyone have an “in” with Mother Nature? ;)
RRP greatly appreciates Robin’s generosity sharing her photos and reminds you they are copyrighted and may not be downloaded without her express written permission.
View Robin’s other photos from that day at: