January 12, 2021: Nestflix from Decorah North and the Flyway

We have your NestFlix! We aren’t seeing much of Mom or DM2 but, with only about a month until eggs, the North Eagles are extremely busy with nestorations! I really enjoyed the fish chase and the stunning looks at DNF, and I always like seeing coyotes out on Mississippi River ice. As always, thank you to our camera operators for finding such special moments, our video makers for sharing them, and you for watching, learning, and especially for caring. Have a great day, everyone!

Decorah North Eagles
January 11, 2021: DNF in the North Nest

January 11, 2021: DNF in the North Nest

January 10, 2020: Sunday Nestorations, Chase, Foodhttps://youtu.be/gqnhsxRGC3Y. With eggs only about a month away, the Norths need to have their nest bowl and egg cup ready! The egg-cup’s basement is piled with husks, grass, and oak leaves. Go to 3:52 to hear the neighborhood crow watch and see the North Eagles fly out and fish the stream. Beginning at 6:32, we see a food chase that eventually involves three eagles (we see all three of them together at about 7:26). The intruder leaves, giving DNF time to enjoy her frosty breakfish! This video has beautiful close-ups of DNF’s body, feathers, face, talons, and the nest bowl.

January 9, 2020: DNF short visithttps://youtu.be/rIMrhqAhAA4. The Norths have done a wonderful nestoration job, carpeting their nest with grass, oak leaves, and husks. DNF takes a few minutes to rearrange crib rails and move soft materials before jumping up to the babysitting branch and flying off!

Mississippi Flyway

January 8, 2021: Coyote on the icehttps://youtu.be/nN-LJbCswVE. Exactly as the video says – a lone coyote trots on Flyway ice.