After The Fledge 2022

We had a great time at ATF 2022 this year – it was such fun to see eagle fans from across the nation and around the world! ATF 2023 will be held from Thursday, July 20 to Sunday, July 23 in 2023. Watch for a schedule of events and reserve your hotel, camping spot, or AirBnB today! We look forward to seeing you – and perhaps some fledgling eagles, too!

ATF ticket link:

Want to celebrate the eagles, falcons, flyway, and our community with other fans and followers? After The Fledge 2022 starts on July 14 and continues through the weekend. Meet Mr. Decorah and the raptors of River Valley Raptors; canoe, bike, and hike with us, learn more about what we do, take an awesome boat ride on the Mississippi River near GSB, and celebrate the eagles, falcons, and flyway birds we watch online! Tickets are on sale here: – and watch our Facebook page and website for more information!

We’re also looking for donations for our After The Fledge auction. We’ll post more about the auction tomorrow, but feel welcome to reach out to me at [email protected] if you have questions! Thank you so much for donating your time, talent, and treasure.

Schedule and Maps

Thursday, July 14
  • 10:15 AM: Effigy Mounds National Monument Hike. Map:
  • 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM: Hatchery Meet and Greet! Join us at the RRP hatchery tent to pick up your name tag, meet, mingle, eat Mabe’s Pizza, buy eagle stuff, have fun, and start the weekend! We’ll also take your registration and dinner payment if you haven’t done it online. Stop by whenever you can for however long you’d like! Map:
Friday, July 15
  • 9:00 AM: Early Bird Hatchery Tour. Join RRP Director John Howe for a walking tour of the hatchery! We’ll meet at the pavilion at 9 AM and go from there. Will the new eagles show up? We’ll find out! Bring quarters to feed the fish when the tour is done! Map:
  • 11:00 AM: Kayak/Canoe Trip. Meet us at 11:00 AM at the Upper Iowa Resort to kayak or canoe the Upper Iowa river! The resort will provide kayaks, canoes, paddles, flotation devices, and transportation. We’ll provide water, snacks, and fruit. You can bring sunscreen and whatever else you like! Canoes are $38, kayaks are $28, and the resort will transport your kayak or canoe for $10. Float time will be about two hours and you’ll pay the resort directly. Map:
  • 3:00 PM: River Valley Raptors. We are so stoked for this! River Valley Raptors is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to the conservation of raptors and other wildlife through education. Join us at the RRP hatchery tent to meet the birds of River Valley Raptors – and their humans, too! Map:
Saturday, July 16
  • 9:00 AM: Bike to the Hatchery. We’ll be meeting at Decorah Bicycles at 9:00 AM and hitting the paved trail to the trout hatchery at 9:30 AM. Bring your own bike or rent an electric pedal-assisted bike from Decorah Bicycles. You can adjust the assistance up, down, or turn it off, although you only get assistance when you pedal. Bikes cost $40 for 1-4 hours and helmets are included. You’ll pay Decorah Bicycles directly for any rentals. The trail is a little over four miles out and back. We will be riding the easy eastern half of the trail from Decorah Bicycles to the hatchery and back, although you are welcome to take the harder western loop on the way back! Map:
  • 12:00 PM: Eagle Tracking Lesson. Join RRP Director John Howe and Golden Eagle Program manager Jeff Worrell at the hatchery pavilion for an eagle tracking lesson! They will talk about our Decorah Eagle and Golden Eagle tracking project and show everyone how we use the transmitter to find eagles. Map:
  • 2:00 PM: Meet Bald Eagle Mr. Decorah! This will be awesome! Join RRP and S.O.A.R at Valder’s Hall of Science on the Luther College Campus to meet Mr. Decorah (a 2014 Decorah Eagles fledgling) and learn more about S.O.A.R.’s raptor rehabilitation work. Map:
  • 3:00 PM: Join RRP Director John Howe at Valder’s Hall of Science on the Luther College Campusto learn more about what we do and where we are going, and to ask John questions! Map:
  • 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM: ATF Community Dinner! Join us under the big tent for dinner and fun! Map:
Sunday, July 17
  • 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM: Mississippi River Boat Ride on the La Crosse Queen! Join us on the La Crosse Queen! We’ll see the river, GSB, and the lock and dam. The boat has a air-conditioned lower part, an open upper part, and sells drinks and snacks! Map:

2022 After The Fledge