First Fledge Fundraiser!

Today is the Raptor Resource Project’s first fledge fundraiser! Join us for chat here: and help us protect birds of prey by donating to our work: You have seen the beauty, grace, and strength of bald eagles, peregrine falcons, and the myriad birds of the Mississippi Flyway. We’ve been working to ensure their survival and health for over two decades and we couldn’t do what we do without your support. Here’s how your donations make a difference:

  • Education and outreach: We believe that fostering a love for and understanding of birds of prey is vital to their long-term survival. Your donations enable us to provide live streams and organize educational programs, chats, and workshops that reach people across the globe, inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards.
  • Research and conservation: The Raptor Resource Project actively engages in scientific research to gain insights into the behavior, migration patterns, and population dynamics of raptors. By supporting our research initiatives, you contribute to valuable data collection that informs conservation strategies and policy decisions.
  • Habitat preservation: Protecting the habitats of birds of prey is vital for their survival. Your support allows us to work with landowners, conservation organizations, and policymakers to advocate for the preservation and restoration of critical habitats, creating safe havens for birds in all their phases of life.
  • Nest site management: Birds of prey rely on secure and well-maintained nests to raise their young. With your help, we can provide essential nest box installations, maintenance, and improvements to ensure the safety and success of future generations.

Your donation, no matter the size, truly makes a difference. Together, we can continue to safeguard the future of birds of prey. Long may they fly!

Thank you so much for your support.