Diction-aerie word of the day: Cowghetti. The placenta of a cow, eaten or served as dinner in an Bald Eagle’s nest, so called for its stringy appearance and red color | cow·ghet·ti.
DNF’s blood-stained appearance is alarming some watchers. Was she injured? Are the eggs okay? What happened? DNF is fine and so are her eggs! The cows near the north nest have started giving birth to mini-moos. Their delivery is followed by placenta, a temporary organ that develops during pregnancy and is expelled after birth. Mr. North and DNF are quite familiar with the bellows of birthing and swiftly swoop in to take advantage of a free meal that can’t run away and won’t fight back. But placenta is very messy and often results in stained feathers and beaks, giving DNF her prizefighter look! If she doesn’t have a chance to take a splish-splash eagle bath, this weekend’s weather should clean her up a bit.