Search Results for: menu

What’s on the Menu in Decorah?

Trick or treat/smell our feet/give us something good to eat! Happy Halloween, everyone! As part of today’s spooky candy-filled festivities, we wanted to pass out some fish, a few squirrels, and a little information about what HD, HM, and DH2 enjoyed for dinner last year! Between November 2, 2022 and July 13, 2023, our volunteers documented 407 meals. As we’ve seen at other nests, HD was a master provider, bringing in 316 meals to HM’s 91. He was especially active

Countdown to Shutdown #3: What’s on the Menu at the North Nest?

An eyeball? Absolutely! Nothing goes to waste in an eagle's nest.

I hope you like sushi! What’s on the menu at the North nest? We crunched the numbers to learn what Mr. North, DNF, and the eaglets were eating: breakfish, second breakfish, eightses, luncheon, afternoon raccoon, cowghetti dinner, and breakfish for supper! Read on to learn more! Overall Prey Deliveries Mr. North and DNF delivered 523 meals to the nest. He brought in 56% of all meals and a majority of the fish (64%), while she brought in 44% of all

What’s On The Menu This Season at Our Nests?

April 18, 2020: A fully-stocked pant-tree!

By Sherri Elliott As the nesting season comes to a close we tally up all the prey deliveries we’ve caught on camera at Decorah Eagles and Decorah North Nest to provide an overview of the level of partnership between a bonded pair as well as the variety of food sources available in the nest territory and individual protein preferences within a habitat. By looking at daily deliveries we also key in to cycles of their season…courting and bonding before egg

What’s on the menu at the Decorah North Nest?

2017: Prey remains, North Nest

Kike collected prey remains from the Decorah North nest when we were working on cameras in the fall of 2017. Since my family was tired of animal parts in the garage and 2018’s fall camera work is just around the corner, I decided it was time to get them identified! The photo above shows all of the remains that Kike recovered from the nest. In all, he found 23 white-tailed deer remains (4 partial skulls, 18 leg bones, including four

What’s on the Menu at Fort St. Vrain?

So what’s on the menu at Fort St. Vrain? While we were up in the nest, I decided to collect prey remains. We don’t have the necessary permits to take feathers (of which I found only two, both belonging to prey), but there were plenty of skulls and a few turtle shells. I got them home, laid them out on a table, and started ID’ing them. Some Moms bring home t-shirts and postcards. I bring home skulls and photos of

What’s On The Menu at Decorah North Nest?

Decorah North: DN1 with Prey

Written by Sherri Elliott A plethora of prey was procured, dispatched and delivered at Decorah North Nest this season, and while Mr & Mrs North do not have the convenience of a fish hatchery directly out their door as their eagle neighbors to the south, the quantity of fish and other prey was substantial and varied. Probably most unusual to even seasoned viewers was the cow placenta, and the road kill cat. What we learn again is not only are eagle

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Won't you be my neighbor? A Pileated Woodpecker plays peek-a-boo at the North Nest.

Bald Eagles play an important role in ecosystems. They stand on top of the food chain or web, are generalist hunters who consume and produce carrion, and are a keystone species: a species that is vital to the health of its ecosystem. We know and write about their trophic relationships, but we don’t often consider the importance of their nests to other species. Alternate, abandoned, or in use, large bald eagle nests stand for many years and serve as homes,

June 20, 2023: News and NestFlix from Decorah

June 20, 2023: Beautiful HM

Happy National American Eagle Day, everyone! DH2 turns 75 days old today, which means that fledge is right around the corner! We’ve seen our eaglet – I’m leaning toward ‘her’ right now based on size and fledge timing, although we don’t have a way to confirm that – wingersize, trampoline, and hover as fledge draws near. Will DH2 branch or just fly away? We’ll find out soon! Several people have expressed concern about DH2’s dinner menu. Is our eaglet really

Four Hatchlings for Savanna and Newman!

May 10, 2023: Savanna feeds her new hatchlings.

Congratulations to Savanna and Newman on four hatchlings: the 49th, 50th, 51st, and 52nd falcons to hatch here! Savanna has excellent feeding and care instincts and Newman is keeping everyone supplied with as many birds as he can bring to the box. We’re keeping a close eye on them and looking forward to banding on May 27. To watch live, follow this link: Why don’t Savanna and Newman build a nest? Peregrine falcons do not build stick nests, although

Your Questions, Answered: DH1 and DH2

April 11, 2023: DH2 sports a little crop!

Followers had a lot of questions about eaglet DH1 and DH2. Why did DH1 die? Are HD and HM first-time parents? What did the eagles do with DH1? Here’s what we know. Why did DH1 die? DH1 hatched at 4:10 AM on April 5th and died some time between about 7 PM and 12:20 AM. The day was cold and rainy, the eagles tucked a large dead trout into the egg cup, and DH1 was not fed in its first

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