Tag Archives: Prey Log

What’s on the Menu at Fort St. Vrain?

So what’s on the menu at Fort St. Vrain? While we were up in the nest, I decided to collect prey remains. We don’t have the necessary permits to take feathers (of which I found only two, both belonging to prey), but there were plenty of skulls and a few turtle shells. I got them home, laid them out on a table, and started ID’ing them. Some Moms bring home t-shirts and postcards. I bring home skulls and photos of

What’s On The Menu at Decorah North Nest?

Decorah North: DN1 with Prey

Written by Sherri Elliott A plethora of prey was procured, dispatched and delivered at Decorah North Nest this season, and while Mr & Mrs North do not have the convenience of a fish hatchery directly out their door as their eagle neighbors to the south, the quantity of fish and other prey was substantial and varied. Probably most unusual to even seasoned viewers was the cow placenta, and the road kill cat. What we learn again is not only are eagle