Where is D27?

Where is D27? She is currently spending time just south of Decorah. Brett wrote: “D-27 remains in the area on or near the N. Fork of the Yellow River near Frankville, IA (N of Postville) and north of Ossian, near D-24’s hang-out (past and hopefully present).”

I got curious about how her travels this fall compared to last fall, so I made a map of eagle travels in November. By this time last fall, D27 was further south. We’re very curious to see whether she ends up back near Wapello and Mediapolis, or hangs north. The area she’s in now has been a popular one for our eagles, but we suspect she’ll move once the river freezes over. Stay warm, D27 – and a very happy Thanksgiving to you!

As always, thanks to Brett Mandernack and the staff of eagle valley for sharing their maps and data. To explore the travels of the eagles we’ve tracked, visit our interactive maps at https://www.raptorresource.org/learning-tools/eagle-map/. Click the maps below to enlarge them!

D27 in November Eagles in November