Get yourself a mug of something warm for tonight’s Nestflix and news! Michelle laid her fourth egg at Great Spirit Bluff today, snow moved into the Decorah area, watchers worried about D33 getting enough food (D33 is getting enough food – SuperMom knows her eaglet business!) and birds came and went on the Flyway. We might see a mini-stackup on the Flyway since snow and blizzard conditions are forecast north for the next day and a half. We’re not happy about the weather, but the Decorah and Decorah North eagles showed us that they are more than able to handle it with Mombrella Decorah and Poptent Mr. North keeping eaglets warm, dry, and out of the wind. We have videos from the Decorah North Nest, the Decorah Nest, and the Flyway. While I loved all of these videos, I especially enjoyed the affectionate feeding at the North nest – it is really neat! – DN9’s Home Alone escape, and the two snowy feedings at the Decorah Nest. We gave the Decorah North eagles top billing tonight since we haven’t featured them in a while, but the Decorah Eagles can be found right below them! Thanks for watching with us!
Decorah North Eagles
4/10/18 – Mr With Small Prey & Affectionate Feeding Scene – As annoying as the snow is – really, again? – this is a lovely feeding! Mr. North and DNF feed while protecting their lone chick from the snow. You can see how Mr. North stands over it, acting as a wind and snow break, while DNF feeds DN9 (and Mr. North gets a few bites too)!
4/9/19: Bit of a disturbance, cool fly off and in! The opening sequence is extremely cool and well worth a watch! DN9 is old enough not to need brooding for short periods of time if the weather is warm. Mr. North – I think, but I have super bad internet right now and can only watch in 144p, so it is very hard to tell – warns an unseen intruder away.
4/9/19: Nice feeding by DNF DN9 eating pelt – If DNF hasn’t cast a pellet yet, it will soon! Early feedings don’t tend ot have a high percentage of indigestible material, but this pelt is another matter!
4/9/19: DN9 escape first exploration – Compare DN9 with D32 for a good look at eaglet growth and what a difference just four days makes! The Home Alone escape footage starts at 1:10. It’s hard to believe that DN9 could get that eagle rump going! Someone hasn’t missed any meals!
DN9 Don’t Bite Mr. North’s feathers! Feathers are friends, not food! A short but very cute video!
Decorah Eagles
4/10/19: Fish again – The eaglets dine on fish al freezie! While we’re not welcoming the snow, this video gives us a great look at how effectively Mom and DM2 keep snow off their little eaglets. I also love D33 (left) and D32 (right) side by side. We get a really good visual of the difference that three days makes, and SuperMom makes sure that everyone gets a bite!
4/10/19: Mom feeds as the snow begins to fall – If you yelled ‘No!’ or ‘Stop!’ or tried to blow or brush the snow away, you are not alone! Despite the snow, it’s a lovely video and fun to see D33 peeking out from underneath Mombrella!
4/10/19: Mom yoga, another feeding –
4/10/19: DM2 feeds – By Jove, I think he’s got it! It’s a windy morning and the breeze is blowing up DM2’s feathers (he eventually turns a little more sideways to the wind). He gives his eaglets a nice feeding before settling over them!
4/9/19: Moms & DM2’s Discussion-I’ll Take the Fish, Feed the Kids, Now GO On!
4/9/19: 7 am feeding, D33 starts a dust-up – D33 may not have one, but its no pushover! D32 assumes a dominant position, but it’s D33 who starts a beak-bonking battle! We want to point out again that this very normal behavior for eagles. While they tussle, the battling babylets are building muscle and strengthening their necks. Mom is an old pro at making sure everyone gets food and the beak bonking battles tend to stop around the time that serious damage becomes a more likely possibility.
Mississippi Flyway
4/10/19: Changing of the Guard – The Pelicans were enjoying the morning sun on Tuesday morning when a group of cormorants decided that was indeed the best spot to be.. They made a general nuisance of themselves until they occupied almost the whole log.. ànd the spot in the bushes!