By Sherri Elliott

January 13, 2020: Subadult visits the Decorah North Nest
A lovely visitor today reminded me of the classic fairytale. No testing beds or tasting porridge, but this beauty was inquisitive, playful, resourceful, and showed nestoration skills while keeping an eye out for the rightful owners. I’m guessing it is almost 4 years old. It had a beautiful eye mask, darker beak, salt and pepper head feathers and a gorgeous display of mottling in tail and vent feathers. He/She displayed talent and technique moving large sticks, pulling at bedding fluff, pouncing on sticks and cornstalks, and generally rearranging all the furniture before perching on the Ladder Branch for portrait shots during its 15-minute stay. A joyful visit for watchers of the Raptor Resource Project Decorah North Nest! <3
Thanks to eaglewhisperer18 for capturing this video.