It was so good to see Mom and DM2 today, and we have some wonderful video of the Norths! We hope you enjoy our #SundaySweets! Thanks to our always-observant camera operators and video makers for finding and sharing special moments, and to you for watching, caring, learning, and sharing!
Decorah Eagles

January 19, 202: Mom and DM2
1/19/20: Mom arrives on a snowy nest, DM2 follows – Welcome back, Mom and DM2! They don’t stay long, but both visit N2B. Mom flies up to the Skywalk and DM2 starts the snow removal/burial process before they both fly out. You can take another look at them here:
Decorah North Eagles

January 17, 2020: Mr. flies into the nest with a fish

January 18, 2020: DNF delivers a corn husk to the North nest
1/18/20: Morning visit – The video opens with DNF delivering cornhusks to a snow-covered nest. She flies out and perches on a branch. Mr. North, who is perched nearby, joins her. He vocalizes a bit, but they don’t bond. The two perch side-by-side for a nice long while, preening, rousing, and hanging out. Check the video starting at about 8:44 for a very nice look at the two side by side. The video continues with DNF’s brief visit to the nest and more great looks at the two side by side.
I really enjoy watching the Norths. Their remote valley is so beautiful – not idyllic, given all the visitors and intruders, but still lovely – and their bond seems wonderfully strong. I love to see them perching side by side and engaged in all the daily tasks of eagle life. We are looking forward to watching what is most likely her second year of parenthood in 2020.