Tug-o-fish in Decorah: Cornhusk dress-up at Decorah North!

We’ll be posting some anticipated hatch dates tomorrow for all three of our nests, but in the meantime, we hope you enjoy some nestflix from Decorah and Decorah North! In Decorah, Mom and DM2 warn off an intruder and have a tug-o-fish (spoiler alert – Mom wins!). Mr. North plays dress up with DNF at Decorah North (not the first time we’ve seen this), and a camera operator gives us an excellent chance to practice id skills and memorize facial features. I hope you all enjoy these videos as much as we did!

Decorah Eagles
March 2, 2020: Decorah Eagles Tug-o-Fish

March 2, 2020: Decorah Eagles Tug-o-Fish

March 2, 2020: Possible intruder flybyhttps://youtu.be/IahV5aC4XyY. We don’t see the intruder at first, but both Mom and DM2 are upset and very alert. At 50 seconds, we get a very brief fly-by. Slow down the video. See how long its wings are and how it’s flying with a strong flapping motion, not soaring like a turkey vulture? It is mostly likely another eagle – and very unwelcome near the nest this time of year! mom flies off, most likely to give chase, at 1:51. A nice view of the eggs follows.

March 2, 2020: Fresh fish for dinner and tug-o-fishhttps://youtu.be/1vrE2g8V0oA. DM2 flies in with a (very) fresh fish. Mom makes it clear that she’s in the mood for sushi, although DM2 doesn’t appear inclined to hand it over right away! Mom puts the teakettle on, but DM2 ignores her pleading and wheedling. At 2:25, she decides to take matters into her own talons! She gets up just as DM2 starts tearing into breakfish, giving us a really nice look at the egg cup. She moves in on the fish and talons it, but DM2 won’t give it up! She grabs it with her beak at 2:44 and DM2 responds by doing the same. It’s time for tug-o-fish! Mom wins and flies off with her prize, taking several sticks with her as she goes.

March 2, 2020: DM2 Scares Off Squirrel Mom & DM2 On Alerthttps://youtu.be/ARAPOEgLfXQ. The video opens with several views of DM2 wing-whacking at a squirrel that got too close to the nest, including a nice slow motion view. This was quite fascinating to me, since I’ve seen grey squirrels do the same thing to red-tailed hawks. The squirrel got by DM2, who remained on alert. We get nice looks at the egg at 6:51 before DM2 shimmies over it. Mom flies in at 8:15 (look for her shadow!). The two move soft materials around until something catches their attention. Mom moves in to take her shift and DM2 flies off to the sound of the neighborhood crow watch while Mom covers the egg.

Decorah Eagles North
March 3, 2020: Mr. North dresses DNF in cornstalks

March 3, 2020: Mr. North dresses DNF in cornstalks

March 2, 2020: Close ups of both eagleshttps://youtu.be/jw97ENrcOto. This lovely video is 33 minutes and 55 seconds of Decorah North close-ups, starting with DNF (first 8 minutes) and finishing with Mr. North. It is a wonderful chance to study the differences between them: we can different feather patterns, facial features, eye flecks, and even very small differences in their beaks! Look for several cool shots of their eyelids. It’s a bright day and Mr. North, warm and relaxed in the sun, also appears to be a little sleepy – just resting his eyes!

March 2, 2020: Mr With Cornstalk&Shift Changehttps://youtu.be/T3UXMKg3fJw. Mr. North flies in with a cornstalk to play dress-up with DNF! He drapes it over her back. Nope, not quite right! He lays it across her tail in a V. Perfect! DNF doesn’t think so and pulls it off! DNF gets up – look at her beautiful feet and talons! – and Mr. North comes in for his shift. The camera operator zooms in, but we can’t see the eggs behind cornhusk crag!