We are sad to report that the Decorah North nest came down this morning after heavy rain added weight to the nest tree branches. The nest tree support branches had been deteriorating and it was just a matter of time before something happened.
We are thankful that DN17 and DN18 both survived and, although it looked like DN18 (perched to the right), could have been in the mix of branches coming down, DN18 is looking good, navigating through the wet grass and being discovered by cattle. DN17 remained in the air through the event and is also looking good. We hope for a normal post-fledge development stage in the coming weeks for DN17 and DN18. We will be monitoring them by camera and boots on the ground as necessary.
It is too soon to tell what our plan is for any nest work since the tree is in the slow process of dying. We will be developing a plan in the coming weeks. Until then, we are looking forward to some extended time with Mr. North, DNF, and our two precious eaglets!